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What to Know About Drug Abuse Treatment Techniques : Drugs rehab review 2008 treatment

What to Know About Drug Abuse Treatment Techniques
by Berlin Flores

The definition of "drug abuse" is described as the consumption of hallucinatory drugs and sports performance development drugs for non-therapeutic reasons. Examples of exploited drugs include barbiturates, morphine, benzodiazepines, cocaine, alcohol, heroin, amphetamines, and other opiate-related drugs such as codeine and hydrocodone. The other drug abuse definition may also be grouped into four different classes: the medical definitions, the mass contact and argot usage, the public health classifications, and the political and criminal classifications.
Because of the reason that drug abuse and drug addiction can harm an individual, it is imperative to motivate the drug addicted person to receive drug abuse treatment. There are different kinds of addictive drugs existing nowadays. The drug abuse treatment technique may be different from a drug variant to another. The treatment methods also rely on the distinctiveness of the addictive patients and they may vary in terms of the line of attack. Several drug dependents face challenges about physical and psychological topics. Furthermore, there are a number of drug dependents who face challenges about work-related or public matters. Sadly, public issues create a great deal of difficulty to deal with addictive disorders/addictive conditions of the people who are addicted to illegal substances.
The attempt to quit the misuse of drugs do not succeed most of the time. Even if there are a number of evidences of short-term feats, the long-term feats are still infrequent. There are a number of treatment procedures that were conceptualized to help addicted people put an end to their addiction to drugs. The treatment techniques are comprised of various methods like damage decrease, abstinence-based means, therapeutic treatments, pharmacotherapy, and legal techniques. The drug abuse treatment procedures are separated into two groups. The first class comprises a number of general drug abuse treatment services while the second category comprises the criminal justice-involved treatment methods.
(1) Agonist Maintenance Treatment: This treatment process is usually used to counter drug abuse and it is sometimes called the methadone treatment program. In this treatment service, some synthetic and opiate drugs like levomethadyl acetate or methadone are applied. These drugs are consumed incessantly at an amount that is adequate to avert the elimination of opium-derived drugs and to obstruct the harmful effects that results from abusing opiate-related drugs. Craving for opiate-related drugs also lessens as time progresses. Thorough advising is frequently conducted with this treatment method.
(2) Narcotic Antagonist Cure with Naltrexone Application: Basically, this treatment service is a prolongation of the earlier discussed drug abuse treatment service. In here, Naltrexone or naltrexone hydrochloride is used as a replacement for levomethadyl acetate or methadone, as a synthetic and long-lasting antagonist. It is of significance that the addicted person person is recovered from the opiate-related drugs for some days so that the Naltrexone or naltrexone hydrochloride could be applied. Now it should be noted that this antagonist lacks any subjective prospects of addiction and it has some harmful effects too. Rehab and advising are also needed in this category.
(3) Outpatient Drug-Free Care: This procedure of drug abuse treatment is getting popular as the days progress. This procedure is not associated with rehab. In this case, the prescribed drugs are provided right after listening to the statement of the person who is addicted to drugs. Instead of individual counseling, the group advising happens in this drug abuse cure program. This program costs less as compared to the two formerly mentioned categories. This treatment procedure suits employees, students and those with extensive communal and family motivation.
(4) Long-Term Residential Treatment Program: In here, the people with addiction problems are allowed to enter especially made residential drug abuse healing centers with non-hospital surroundings. There are several residential treatment types offered. Therapeutic Community and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are the most renowned kinds. These hubs include patients, medical experts, advisors and other personnel. The phase of residence stretches for around six months to one year. During that time, the medications are given to the patients and psychological advising is conducted. This process is beneficial for the patients who don't have the public and family motivation that is needed.
(5) Short-Term Residential Curing Services: This type of treatment is normally derived from a model that is known as 12-step approach. Initially, this process was used for alcohol addiction treatment, but later on it was revealed that this procedure is also useful for cocaine abuse treatment programs.
(6) Medical Detoxification: In this kind of drug abuse treatment service, the traces of illegal substances are discharged from the body. Basically, the body is detoxified in the course of treatment. The whole process is under the careful surveillance of a qualified doctor. It is also essential to lessen the addictive nature of the addictive person by means of advising.
(7) Legal Treatment Services: It is known to all that drug addiction is definitely illegal. When an individual is discovered taking addictive drugs, he is forced go through a number of drug abuse treatment procedures that comes with the consequence. There are two kinds of law-based treatment services: the prison-based drug abuse treatment program and the community-based treatment program. Drug abuse treatments will only be successful in the event that the addictive patient is given encouragement from his relatives, his friends, and his fellowmen. The addictive patient have to abide by the advices given to him by a medical practitioner or a counselor.

When Drug Rehab Fails, the Consequences Can Be Tragic : Drugs rehab review 2008 treatment

When Drug Rehab Fails, the Consequences Can Be Tragic
by Gloria MacTaggart
Several recent news articles covered the death of Jacob Fetchik who died of a drug overdose in Phoenix, Arizona just eight days after completing drug rehab. A friend gave him prescription drugs - a muscle relaxant, which Jacob crushed and snorted, and methadone. The friend stole the drugs from his mother, a recovering heroin addict on methadone treatment. It is possible that the friend, or his mother, may be charged with negligent homicide. While there is no excuse for the friend stealing the drugs, giving them to Jacob, or for the friend’s mother not locking up her drugs, it is possible that his death could have been prevented by a more extensive or more appropriate drug rehab program.
How could Jacob’s death have been prevented by drug rehab? Here’s what happens when rehab is successful.
1. The addict is taken through a program that helps remove the drugs which, for the most part are poisons, from his system.
2. The addict is gotten into shape through good nutrition, exercise, and so on, to reverse the physical deterioration as much as possible.
3. Drug rehab counselors work with the addict to get down to the bottom of why the person started taking drugs in the first place and helps the person address those issues.
4. The addict is given the life skills necessary to live a productive life.
5. The counselors also address the environment into which the addict will go when the residential rehab program is complete. This part of rehab ensures that the person is going into an environment that will support his desire to stay clean.
What went wrong with Jacob? The most obvious thing is that he went to the house of a friend whose mother is a heroin addict, although her addiction is currently to methadone, and who had drugs in the house and available. She also has a son who steals her drugs.
Jacob’s tragic story highlights the need to find a rehab program that addresses the needs of the individual thoroughly, and does not consider the rehab process complete until all of the above elements are completely addressed.
If you’re looking for drug rehab in Arizona, ensure you consult with a rehab specialist who can answer all your questions and tell you what you need to know about what it takes to ensure the drug rehab program is successful. Then, follow their advice.

17 Drug And Alcohol Abuse Relapse Triggers : Alcohol rehab Drug rehab treatment center review

17 Drug And Alcohol Abuse Relapse Triggers
by Gabriel Adams
Recent deaths of Hollywood stars Brad Renfro and Heath Ledger have many people wondering why these talented actors or those around them fail to get help. The VH1 smash reality show, Celebrity Rehab clearly shows the struggles stars face when they attempt to enter a rehab program. Like it or not, the world has watched Britney Spears throw away a stellar career and two beautiful children to her addictions. Continually, she tries to solve problems without the support she truly needs. What people fail to realize is that drug addiction or alcoholism cannot be permanently cured or removed and there are at least seventeen triggers that can lead to relapses.
The most important key to avoiding a setback is to get away and stay away from old friends that drank or got high with you. If you find yourself in an environment where your former vices are being passed around, leave immediately and never return. Another on this list involves cutting ties with a spouse or significant other who drinks or uses drugs. It is painful but important.
A third danger involves skipping meetings with your sponsor. Support groups are essential if you wish to succeed. Cravings are going to rear their ugly head. If you have skipped numerous meetings or blown your sponsor off, you will not feel you have the right to call on them when you most need support. Along this line comes another potential trigger. If you find yourself thinking about your drug use, it is time to seek help.
It is critical to keep all appointments with your doctor. Coming out of a drug or alcohol addiction is potentially life threatening. Your body can go into shock. Remember that addiction is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. In fact, the sixth trigger to watch for is thoughts that you are strong enough to kick the habit without any help. Strength is a great quality, but no one has the power to kick a drug or alcohol addiction alone.
As soon as you enter into a recovery program for drug or alcohol addiction, have a friend or family member go through your house with you. Throw out any alcohol, narcotics, and/or drug supplies. You will know where your hidden locations are, so be honest when pointing them out.
Creating a daily routine can help keep the troubles to a minimum. As you progress through a rehab program, you can start to alter your routine slightly, but you still need to make sure your day follows a certain pattern so that your mind does not have time to wander.
Please remember that breaking a drug or alcohol habit is going to have ups and downs. Do not allow yourself to dwell on the bad spots. Depression, anxiety, and rage are common side effects as you break your drug or alcohol habit. Your doctor will be able to help you manage them before you cause harm to yourself or others. Another potential trigger occurs when depression or anxiety does act up and you switch your addiction from one drug to another. If you quit one addiction, it is crucial that you not start up another.
If you have been hurt or disappointed, one of the basic twelve-steps in an AA program is to forgive or be forgiven. Often addictions are tied to situations from the past. It's important to move past the bitterness or regret and start anew.
Number 14 on the potential trigger list deals with facing a life change. If you are working on breaking a habit and then add another issue like getting married or losing your child to your spouse (aka Britney Spears), the odds are slim that your recovery process will be successful. In fact, it is important to focus on getting better first and then work on other problems one at a time.
As you continue the path to kicking drugs and/or alcohol, you must learn to identify your most common causes and warning signs that precede a craving or rough spot. By identifying them early, you will be able to seek support much earlier. And this leads into the 15th trigger--know your limitations and when you need to seek help from your doctor, sponsor or support group.
Allowing troubles to go unchanged will only lead to more cravings - number16 on the list. Stressful, anxious thought patterns or feelings are common reasons people list as to why they drink or use narcotics. If you let personal issues fester, you are far more likely to return to your bad habits.
Finally, never stop using medications your doctor has prescribed. Some prescriptions are there to help you get past the dangerous side effects of withdrawal--pain, nausea, etc. Kicking your addiction is not pretty. Some even die during the process from withdrawal. The prescriptions are there to save your life! Even if you are feeling better, you need to keep taking them until your doctor says otherwise.

The Episode Of Exploitation Of Individual By Alcohol And Drugs: : Drugs rehab review 2008

The Episode Of Exploitation Of Individual By Alcohol And Drugs:
by Judy Wellsworth

If you or a loved one has a problem with excessive drinking or alcohol addiction, help is available to get on the path to healing. Many different methods can be used for successful alcoholism treatment. It can be done with or without the use of prescription medications and can be residential or home-based. It is important to consider the variety of options available in order to discover which will be most effective for you as an individual.
If elected to enter into an inpatient alcoholism treatment program, you certainly have numerous questions. More than anything else, you likely are wondering what, exactly, goes on during the course of an inpatient alcoholism treatment program. The initial phase of any inpatient alcoholism treatment program for many people is detox. Most people who have reached the juncture of their disease at which inpatient alcoholism treatment is necessary will require detox. In most cases, alcohol detox a few days. Detox normally is a most unpleasant and even painful experience. Medications normally are made available to assist a patient in dealing with at least some of the pain associated with detox and alcohol withdrawal.
Medications for Alcohol Addictions:
The 12 steps program originally began with Alcoholics Anonymous and was co-founded by Doctor Bob S and Bill W in 1934 in an effort to deal with their own alcohol addictions. Since its founding, Alcoholics Anonymous has been able to help a great number of people with alcoholism, numbering in the tens of thousands. This method is pretty successful with a typical success rate for someone entering this program being between 5 and 10 percent.
The body uses natural substances called neurotransmitters to regulate feelings of happiness and contentment. When a person becomes addicted to alcohol, long term changes occur that deplete these neurotransmitters and down-regulate the receptors in the brain that receive them. Once an alcoholic stops drinking, they may fall into a deep depression because their body has come to depend on higher and higher amounts of alcohol in order to feel normal. This is a common factor that leads to constant relapse, as the alcoholic is trying to feel good again. Taking care to cleanse the body of toxins that have been left behind by alcohol can help overcome this and can be very helpful in securing long term abstinence. The process of detoxification is part of what occurs in bio-physical rehab.
Prescribed Medications Should be Official:
There is much controversy over the use of medications, such as anti-depressants, as an alcoholism treatment. Some view this solution as simply being a way to take an alcoholic who is addicted to one type of drug, and addicting him on another kind which does not serve the purpose of actually rehabilitating him. However, anti-depressants have been proven to help people stop drinking especially during the tough initial withdrawal phase.
Treatment for alcohol problems has been around almost as long as alcohol itself has been a part of our culture. Centuries ago treatment consisted of barbaric methods of imprisonment and starvation in attempts to help cure those who were in a constant state of drunkenness. Today, a variety of programs exists that help people understand why they are drinking and help them find ways to put down the bottle and enjoy their life naturally. Many programs operate with dedicated support groups that will stay the person seeking treatment for the rest of their lives. These support groups are there to help those overcome temptations and to find alternative ways of dealing with problems or stress other than using alcohol.
A vast majority of people who have a dependence on liquor don’t realize they have it. Intervention is an important part of many alcohol abuse programs. The first step often isn’t taken by the alcoholic but rather by friends, family or co-workers who are concerned for their health and well-being and seek out treatment options.